An introductory review to petroleum meaning, formation and realisation; patrimony, mineral laws and concessions; joint venture participation; supply chains, project structures and lifecycles; model form contracts; contracting processes and negotiation tools
An examination of the key elements of English law as they are applied in the context of petroleum contracts: conditional contracts, preliminary contracts, freedom of contract, agency, indemnity structures, principles of interpretation, warranties and representations, force majeure and frustration, liability allocation, termination and boilerplate clauses
General introduction to what arbitration is, the different types of arbitrations, drafting arbitration clauses, the conduct of an arbitration process and the enforcement and annulment of arbitral awards
JSBAs, NDAs, AMIAs and LI-LOs; share sale, asset sale asset exchange agreements; auction sale and private sale structures; due diligence exercises and reports; transaction structures and timetables; consideration, contingencies, carried interests and royalties; indemnities, representations and warranties; farm-out and earn-out agreements
Options for commercialising gas discoveries. Gas sales contract forms; LNG sales contract forms; gas and LNG sales contracts and transportation / shipping contracts interfaces; collateral support options; modifying gas sales contracts for unconventional petroleum projects