List of courses

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Business Law Fundamentals

Legal writing

A workshop mixing live teaching and homework to help lawyers who are not native English speakers and non lawyers develop their legal writing skills

Introduction to contract law

An introduction to English contract law for non lawyers and lawyers trained in other legal traditions

Legal negotiation

More than a negotiation workshop, a course on negotiation methodology including document management for the lawyer involved

Legal research

The fundamental methodology to identify relevant legal material and present legal research in clear and structured notes

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Oil and gas law


Petroleum industry fundamentals

An introductory review to petroleum meaning, formation and realisation; patrimony, mineral laws and concessions; joint venture participation; supply chains, project structures and lifecycles; model form contracts; contracting processes and negotiation tools

Introduction to English law for petroleum

An examination of the key elements of English law as they are applied in the context of petroleum contracts: conditional contracts, preliminary contracts, freedom of contract, agency, indemnity structures, principles of interpretation, warranties and representations, force majeure and frustration, liability allocation, termination and boilerplate clauses

Fundamentals of international arbitration

General introduction to what arbitration is, the different types of arbitrations, drafting arbitration clauses, the conduct of an arbitration process and the enforcement and annulment of arbitral awards

Investment arbitration

Investment arbitration involves a government and a private party. Jurisdiction is generally based on a bilateral investment treaty. Proceedings can be institutional or follow the ICSID rules which has a specific appeal and enforcement regime

Petroleum project financing

Fundraising options through ECM and DCM and project finance structures; creating effective streams and royalty agreements

Upstream and petroleum operations

Upstream concession design

Sovereignty over resources and mineral laws; the purpose of concessions; concession forms; fiscal terms; state take; sector regulatory models for bid rounds and concession awards; stabilisation, IGAs and HGAs

JOAs and joint ventures

The purpose of the JOA and the relationship with the concession; model form JOAs; JOA contents; the accounting procedure; other joint venture forms; the incorporated joint venture; modifying the JOA for unconventional petroleum projects

Principles of mergers and acquisitions

JSBAs, NDAs, AMIAs and LI-LOs; share sale, asset sale asset exchange agreements; auction sale and private sale structures; due diligence exercises and reports; transaction structures and timetables; consideration, contingencies, carried interests and royalties; indemnities, representations and warranties; farm-out and earn-out agreements

Petroleum sector regulatory options

Reviewing the regulatory options for the effective regulation of the various elements of a country's petroleum sector

Pooling and unitisation

Joint development, pooling and unitisation contrasted; pre-unit agreements; unitisation and unit operating agreements


Applicable treaty and legal provisions; decommissioning operational options; decommissioning security provisions

Petroleum management

Commingling, lifting, allocation and attribution; throughput and processing / hosting agreement terms; tolling agreements

Services contracts and liability allocation

Drilling contract model forms; rig sharing contracts; procurement and services contracts; liability allocation regimes; indemnities, liabilities and insurance interfacesm

Gas and LNG

Gas commercialisation and gas/LNG sales contracts

Options for commercialising gas discoveries. Gas sales contract forms; LNG sales contract forms; gas and LNG sales contracts and transportation / shipping contracts interfaces; collateral support options; modifying gas sales contracts for unconventional petroleum projects

LNG terminal agreements

Presentation of terminal use agreements, FSRU charters and regulatory issues


LNG trading contracts

Detailed presentation of LNG master agreements and trip-time charters. Can be supplemented by introduction to markets and negotiation workshop

Crude oil sales

Understanding the commercial terms used for the sale, trading and transportation of crude oil

Storage and transportation

Pipeline projects

Pipeline operating agreements; tie-in, crossing and proximity agreements; transportation philosophies and agreements

Gas storage

Gas storage project structures; customer storage contract terms; cushion gas procurement options; inventory financing; security trustee structures and insolvency ring-fencing

LNG shipping

Charter party options and model forms; charter party terms; reconciling the charter party with the LNG sales arrangements


Third party access

The concept of third party access (TPA), how TPA is effected and the use of secondary capacity trading mechanisms such as use it or lose it (UIOLI)

ABC and good governance

A review of the principal provisions regarding anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) and how petroleum contracts cater for ABC compliance

Local content and capacity building

Options for structuring effective local content, capacity building, technology transfer and core skills training programmes